Greetings, you have come upon the personal internet page of the Carpe Diem Crew, a subsystem of twenty-five fictives within a larger polyplural multigenic fictive-heavy system, known as the Science System!
This site is currently a massive work in progress and is being updated on a fairly regular basis, so don't be surprised if things move around, change colors or otherwise discombobulate you with inexplicable and bizarre sudden changes.
You can find the sources for our graphics, pixels and stamps here!
Who is the Carpe Diem Crew? Or, more accurately, who are the fictives within the Carpe Diem Crew?
More to be added!
Here, you can find a collection of various links that we have acquired over the years, mostly relating to alterhumanity, plurality and queer identity. The personal site of Quoi Haunting, filled with fascinating writing, interesting and useful links, personal alterhuman experiences, and more! The site is currently a work in progress, so check back regularly! Side note, we've actually talked to these creatures in a few Discord servers. They're just as interesting and enjoyable to be around as their site makes them look. They also help run Alt-H, an educational, informative and progressive site which serves as a miniature hub for the greater alterhuman community. Most of us in the Carpe Diem Crew highly recommend checking out both sites at least once.